~ the easiest ~
I have taken two other on-line traffic school programs and this was hands down the easiest one I have done. Thanks to this website, I will not only recommend friends, I will preach about it... (read more rave reviews)
- Esteban in Westminster

Follow these Easy Steps to Earn Your Point Reduction

  • to Save Your Nevada Driving Record
  • Sign up Completely Online for the Course
  • Read Our Material & Pass the Final Exam
  • Give Your Completion Certificate the County Court
  • We Will Submit to the Nevada DMV Form DS-305

TrafficSchool.com Presents a Point Reduction Course from Home!

  • Nevada Chooses TrafficSchool.com Defensive Driving Program
  • Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles Approved
  • Our Program is Simple & Easy to Use
  • 100% Online & Available Day or Night
  • Keep Points Down & Your Insurance Costs Low

More Info: Nevada Traffic School Online

Nevada Traffic School Course Online

as low as $13.95
2 or FEWER violations/12 months
5-Hour Course
only $39.99
3 or MORE violations/12 months
8-Hour Course

Why a Traffic School: Save Your DMV Record & Money

Our Online and Court Approved Nevada Traffic School will dismiss your traffic ticket and remove points off your NV DMV driving record!

Online Defensive Driving in Nevada Just Makes Sense

  • Use our course to dismiss points & brush up on some long-forgotten road rules.
  • Keeping points off your driving license record will prevent your auto insurance rates from increasing.
  • 5-hour Nevada traffic school course for drivers who have received 2 or less violations within the past 12 month period.
  • 8-hour Nevada traffic school course for drivers that have received 3 or more violations within the past 12 month period.

How Does Online Nevada Traffic School Work?

  1. Register online and you can take it from literally anywhere internet access is available.
  2. Read the material. Log on and off when you want, your progress will be saved along the way.
  3. Take and successfully pass the final exam. We will report your course completion by submitting form DS-305 to the Nevada DMV within 30 days.
  4. You will also be sent a course completion certificate through the USPS. Once you receive this certificate, it is your responsibility to report your completion certificate to the county court where you received your traffic ticket.

Keep points off your record & your insurance rates low.

TrafficSchool.com has teamed with Certus to give you the easiest way to get your Nevada tickets dismissed. Our program is straightforward, easy to use, and includes 24/7 customer support to ensure your satisfaction.




The Silver State