~ the easiest ~
I have taken two other on-line traffic school programs and this was hands down the easiest one I have done. Thanks to this website, I will not only recommend friends, I will preach about it... (read more rave reviews)
- Esteban in Westminster

More Info: Online OK Driver Improvement Course Detail

State of Oklahoma Driver Improvement Online

only $29.95
Dismiss Your Traffic Ticket
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Why Take a Defensive Driving Course? To Dismiss a Ticket from Your Record

Completion of a court approved Oklahoma Driver Improvement course (defensive driving course) will dismiss a moving traffic violation from your driving record.

Benefits of Online Defensive Driving for Oklahoma Drivers

  • Our Oklahoma Defensive Driving Course is completely online. This makes completing the course easy, convenient, and inexpensive.
  • If you take this online course, you'll have access to 24/7 support through The Online Traffic School, Inc. The course is easy to complete, but having customer support available to you 24 hours a day gives you added peace of mind.
  • Successfully completing a court approved driver improvement course allows you, an Oklahoma licensed driver, to keep your DPS driving record clean by masking the points from your driving record.

How to Dismiss a Ticket with our Online Defensive Driving Course

  1. Make sure you are eligible to take the course. If you were issued a traffic ticket in Oklahoma, chances are that you are eligible to participate in our online course. YOU ARE ELIGIBLE IF: Your court has granted you permission, you have minimum of two (2) points on your driving record, you're not a commercial driver (CDL holder), and you haven't already done a driver improvement course in the past 2 years.
  2. Enroll online with our online registration form. Registration takes just minutes! Once you are signed up you can start the course right away. Pay now or later, the choice is yours.
  3. Take our online course according to your schedule. Everything is completed at your own pace; you can login and logout as many times as you want. Take the course all at once, or over several days. It's up to you.
  4. Get your moving violation dismissed! Each OK courthouse has different rules for how the ticket dismissal happens. For the Oklahoma City Court, Cleveland Municipal Court, and the Jones Municipal Court, your completion certificate is sent directly to the courthouse for you within 24 hours. For all other approved Oklahoma courthouses, your completion certificate will be mailed to you! Once you receive your certificate, just bring it or mail it to the correct courthouse as listed on your ticket.

Get Your Traffic Ticket Dismissed with TrafficSchool.com's Preferred Partner

TrafficSchool.com and Certus have teamed up to offer Oklahoma drivers a court approved defensive driving course that can be completed entirely online.




The Sooner State