, together with Defensive Driving leader Certus, brings South Carolina drivers a defensive driving course designed to keep your Department of Motor Vehicles driving record clean by teaching accident prevention and defensive driving skills. In addition, your local South Carolina Court or SC DMV may allow you, with advanced permission, to dismiss a traffic ticket from your driving record by completing this state of South Carolina defensive driving course. Contact your SC traffic court or South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles to see if you are eligible for traffic school.
The intended use of this course is for educational purposes only. If you are taking this course for an insurance discount, South Carolina traffic ticket dismissal, point reduction or some other purpose, you must seek prior approval from your local insurance company, South Carolina traffic court or governing state agency (i.e. Department of Motor Vehicles).
There are many reasons why drivers in The Palmetto State should take an online defensive driving course. First and foremost, an online driver improvement course educates South Carolinian drivers on how to drive both defensively and with courtesy. Knowing how to handle your vehicle on all types of SC streets and highways, in all types of traffic conditions is imperative.
Besides the knowledge gained, SC drivers completing our online course may receive a discount on the base rate of your auto insurance premium. Because this internet course is not approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles, you must contact your individual insurance agent to find out what kind of discount, if any, they will provide for completing our course., together with Defensive Driving leader Certus, brings South Carolina drivers a defensive driving course designed to keep your Department of Motor Vehicles driving record clean by teaching accident prevention and defensive driving skills. In addition, your local South Carolina Court or SC DMV may allow you, with advanced permission, to dismiss a traffic ticket from your driving record by completing this state of South Carolina defensive driving course. Contact your SC traffic court or South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles to see if you are eligible for traffic school.
Although this South Carolina Safe Motorist course is an ELECTIVE COURSE and is not required by the state of South Carolina, nor is this course approved by the South Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (SC DMV), we HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you contact the South Carolina Traffic Court that issued your ticket and request traffic school. For minor traffic citations for moving violations, many South Carolinian Judges will grant you permission to attend traffic school to fix your traffic ticket.
This online South Carolina Safe Motorist course is recommended as an educational tool to help you become a more knowledgeable and defensive driver in the state of South Carolina.