has partnered with Certus to bring you a TDLR-approved online defensive driving course for Texas.
TDLR (Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation) Approved Course
Our Texas Traffic School course is also called Defensive Driving Course, 6-Hour Ticket Dismissal Course, or 6-Hour Insurance Reduction Course. This course will keep points off your driving record and earn you up to a 10% discount on your auto insurance. *Please note: The amount of your insurance discount is up to your individual insurance provider, please check with them to see what your discount will be. has partnered with Certus to bring you a TDLR-approved online defensive driving course for Texas.
Certus has partnered with Certus to bring you Texas Streaming Defensive Driving.
If you received a seat belt citation, and were ordered by a judge to complete a Seat Belt Course, you can meet that requirement from your home, around your schedule with our program.
When it comes to quality defensive driving courses you can trust to deliver, will never let you down. We have hand selected I Drive Safely (IDS) as our exclusive provider for the Texas Court Ordered Seat Belt Course. We stand behind IDS with our 5-start guarantee and we are confident that their TDLR Approved Online course will satisfy your traffic safety needs.