Mature Driver Improvement Courses
Senior / Mature Driver Improvement

Mature drivers: Stay on the road safer and longer with our highly effective defensive driving course. This elective course will teach you the rules of the road and excellent defensive driving skills.
- 100% Online Course
- Easy to Read Material
- Highly Educational and Always Updated Information
- May Qualify You for an Insurance Discount

A great benefit of our traffic safety course is its convenience. Everything is online, so you can educate yourself without having to leave home. Instead of wasting time and money gassing up to drive to a crowded defensive driving classroom, log on to your home computer and study everything in the comfort of your own home.

Like to Save Money?
Many insurance companies throughout the country offer discounts specifically designed for Mature Drivers who complete an online defensive driving course. Contact your insurance agent today to see if you qualify for such a discount.

Keeping You Confident
We know that our roadways are continually becoming more congested, dangerous, and confusing. Our course is designed to deliver the defensive driving knowledge you need to stay on top of your driving game. In addition, we will explain to you new traffic laws so that you are always current and in compliance with driving regulations.
Lower Insurance Rates?
Call your car insurance agent today and ask "If I complete an elective Mature Driver Improvement Course, am I eligible for a discount on my auto insurance?" If the answer is yes, then taking a driver improvement course is a great way to save you potentially hundreds of dollars on your auto insurance rates each year!
Driving Accident Free
Drivers who complete our course become more aware, safer drivers who get into fewer accidents and receive fewer traffic citations. Fewer traffic tickets and avoiding collisions not only saves you money, it may very well save your life.
Other Driving Courses
Looking for something different than a mature driver course? has approved online defensive driving, traffic school, and teen driving school programs for all types of drivers throughout the U.S.
View more online classes.