Get the Low Price Guarantee!

Get the Satisfaction Guarantee!

Low Price Guarantee

Here's the Fine Print - We'll match any price offered by a California approved traffic school provider for the same county/court you received your ticket in. Please note that many competitors charge different prices, depending on the county/court in which you received your ticket. Please verify the competitor's price they are advertising on their homepage is the same price they are actually charging for the county/court you received your ticket in and this price is inclusive of all necessary fees.

This Low Price Guarantee offer is only available for CA online traffic school courses.

If you'd like to match a competitor's price, you can either:

1) Send an e-mail to and put "Price Match" in the subject line. Make sure to give us the name of the competitor, their website address and the county/court you received your ticket in. We'll verify and reply back as quickly as possible (no later than 24 hours) with a unique promotion code that will match the competitor's price.

2) Give our friendly customer service staff a call at 1-800-691-5014 Monday - Friday from 9am - 6pm PST and we'd be happy to verify the lower price over the phone and get you started.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Here's the Fine Print - Although not likely, if you are not satisfied with our state approved course, for whatever reason, we will gladly refund all of your course tuition cost right away. Don't forget that you have several chances to pass your final examination and that your final examination is open-book so you can study while you take the test.

You can rest assured that you are getting the best online traffic school available without any gimmicks or strings attached. If you don't pass or you are not happy with our program, you don't pay and all course fees will be promptly refunded.

It's that simple. It's

The Guarantee is only valid for California Online Traffic School courses and does not apply if a certificate of completion has been issued and/or you have successfully passed the final examination.
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